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Two Privat Bank Branches Firebombed in Nikolaev Occupies Novorussia by Antifascists

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Last night in Nikolaev, in occupied Novorussia, unknown Antifascists activists broke the windows of two Privat bank branches and threw Molotov cocktails.

“At night, the telephone spetsliniyu” 102 “received a message from the guard of the branch of a bank located on the street. Potemkin in the Central area of ​​the city. A man reported that unknown persons broke three glasses institutions and threw a Molotov cocktail, but fire did not happen “, – the press-service of GU MVD of Ukraine in Mykolaiv region.

“Within 20 minutes, a similar message was received from a guard, a branch of the same bank, located at Ave. Lenin in Factory area of ​​the city. Three unknown broke the window and threw him into the fiery mixture. Seat of the fire was extinguished by the personnel, “- according to the police.

According to the facts Investigation Division initiated criminal proceedings under Art. 194 of the Criminal Code “Intentional destruction or damage to property.” Now police are taking steps to identify those involved in the commission of these crimes.

Branches of the bank is injured, the police did not specify.



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