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LiveLeak Bans Users Critical of US Foreign Policy Ahead of Potetnial Russian Operations in Syria


The US government run LiveLeak Social media site based on a military base in McLean Virginia has started blocking URL of users who have been critical of US foreign policy ahead of a potential Russian military operation in Syria against the Islamic State.

The US government propaganda war is heating up in Syria and Ukraine with the US and NATO trained and sponsored Islamic State and Neo-Nazi forces facing defeat at the hands of Russia. As part of this the LiveLeak based at a military base in McLean Virginia has started blocking users critical of US Foreign Policy as it blames intel gathering sites such as LiveLeak for its losing of the propaganda war amongst its own population.

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What the US government doesn’t understand it is not losing the propaganda war war because of Russia but because of its authoritarian polices which support Neo-Nazi’s in Ukraine and Islamo-Fascists in Syria and Iraq.

What the US fears the most may soon come into play the running of middle eastern oil resources by Russian companies such as Gazprom as well the Russia have a veto over European gas supplies. With this sites such as LiveLeak have proved to be valuable intel gathering sources. The problem however now is that western based citizens without imput from Russia are now using such sites as LiveLeak, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter to expose the internal contradictions in US foreign policy which is costing the US government dearly in terms of support by its own population as citizens are deserting mainstream media in droves because the mainstream media has been trued into mouth pieces and promotional agents for corrupt and illogical polices that are harming the interests of ordinary citizens. Expect more crackdowns on social media source in the near future as a politically and morally bankrupt US government falls deeper into becoming an authoritarian state.

User are now increasing look to set up new accounts by accessing LiveLeak via private web browsers that hide users details like TOR. You can download TOR via

See our previous article:

LiveLeak Bans Parody Video Critical of US Military Intervention of Ukraine



2 thoughts on “LiveLeak Bans Users Critical of US Foreign Policy Ahead of Potetnial Russian Operations in Syria

  1. The information has been out there for so long now that social media cannot be constrained by the US. It’s a bit like shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted and rather stupidly serves to demonstrate that the social media have the right of things and the US traditional mouthpieces are just propagandist claptrap. We have the same problem in the UK and more people are now turning to sites where they find good honest facts so easily and readily available. I think the lying Washington war machine has shot itself in the foot again.

    Posted by mohandeer | September 21, 2015, 1:46 pm
  2. Reblogged this on wgrovedotnet and commented:
    The information has been out there for so long now that social media cannot be constrained by the US. It’s a bit like shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted and rather stupidly serves to demonstrate that the social media have the right of things and the US traditional mouthpieces are just propagandist claptrap. We have the same problem in the UK and more people are now turning to sites where they find good honest facts so easily and readily available. I think the lying Washington war machine has shot itself in the foot again.

    Posted by mohandeer | September 21, 2015, 1:49 pm

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